Electrification strategy for road vehicles
Malte Rothhämel
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, The Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design
Duration: 1 hour
Electrification of road traffic is seen as the best actual known strategy to make this mode of transportation more sustainable. It enables higher efficiency, specifically on short distances, low local emissions and moves the focus on efficiency in total as well as life cycle analysis.
Anyhow, there are several thresholds, and the success of electric mobility will not only be a question of technology but also a question of policy. The organisation of establishing charging infrastructure is only one of them.
In this workshop an electrification strategy will be presented as subject of discussion. The goal is to collect different perspectives on that and to discuss them. Even variants and alternatives can be picked out. The expected outcome is a broader view on this topic for all participants and in the best-case new ideas and inspiration for future research.