Submission Process

The submission process has the following steps:

  1. Prospective authors submit an abstract of the paper they wish to present through the online submission system.
  2. The submitted abstracts are reviewed by the conference organisers.
  3. Authors will be notified about if their submission is accepted.
  4. Authors of accepted submissions submit their full paper, that must conform to the style guidelines in conference’s paper template.

Important Dates for Submissions

  • 1 Nov 2020: Start of online abstract submission.
  • 15 Jan 2021: Final deadline for abstract submission. Contact if you still would like submit an abstract.
  • 12 Feb 2021: Notification of accepted submissions.
  • 31 Mar 2021: Deadline for early registration.
  • 7 May 2021: Deadline for accepted paper submission.
  • 7 Jun 2021: Deadline for uploading presentations.
  • 14 Jun 2021: Conference starts.

Online Submission System

The deadline for abstract submissions has now passed and so it is no longer possible to make a new submission via this website. However, new submissions may be accepted at the discretion of the Organising Committee.

If you wish make a new submission, please contact the organisers by mailing

Authors who have received notification that their submission has been accepted should submit their full paper through our online submission system. This can be done by following the link in the confirmation mail they received.

Please read the Guide for Authors below before proceeding.

Guide for Authors

The authors of accepted abstracts should submit a paper of four-to-eight pages in length in PDF format.

Authors are strongly advised to prepare their paper using the MS Word or LaTeX template provided. The template is also the source for the Guide for Authors document and so the same instructions are found in both. Authors must ensure that their paper conforms to these instructions.

All accepted abstracts and papers will be published in the open access conference proceedings under the CC BY license. Authors will retain the copyright on their paper.

At least one author from each contribution must register before the early registration deadline in order for their paper to be included in the conference.

Guide for Presenters

Paper presentations should be at most 10 minutes long. The papers are accessible to all participants so the focus can be on the main contributions and conclusions of the paper.

To ensure a smooth running of the sessions and to avoid potential connection difficulties, presentation should be pre-recorded. This can be done, for example, within Powerpoint or the Zoom app (or another tool of your choice) but if you need guidance please contact us. The video should be 

  • in either mp4 or avi format.
  • no more than 10 mins long. 
  • self-standing so your slides, audio and (optionally) self-view should be contained within the recording. 

Presenters will be emailed a link to where they should upload the video file. During the sessions, your presentation video will be played by the session organiser, so you do not need to present live. However, the questions and discussion will be held live. The deadline to upload presentations is 7th June. 

There is no conference presentation template but for those who wish to include the conference logo in their slides, the conference logo may be downloaded in JPG or PDF format.